Monday, September 21
Just now my dad took me and my bro to the USM lake thingy to jog. I didn’t jog but my bro and dad did.
See closely… There are birds in the trees!
I like this view the best
Water pullotion. T.T
Poor kitty. =( She’s eating the grass…
See dots? Those are the kind of bugs that skid on water
Orange fish
This tree looks weird. The roots go down so deep and the trunks/stems are so STRAIGHT and tall
There was a Malay couple there but of course I didn’t take a picture. I respect their privacy… LOL
That time was very peaceful coz no one went there. They all balik kampung for Raya. But there were a few people. And a lot of monitor lizards. And a kingfisher! But I didn’t take a picture of it.
Later we went to eat dinner at a restaurant opposite of Queensbay. Then me and my bro and dad went to Borders and my mum went to Guess. My dad bought “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” for me (o.0) and I bought presents for Hoh and Pei Xi.
Then my dad bought wine and sweetcorn. I bought waffles and my bro bought the thing Doraemon likes to eat. When we met up with Zhi he bought fries for us. o.0 Lots of things to eat!
Tomorrow I’ll be staying at a hotel so can’t update blog or on computer. T.T Bye~~